Happy New Year 2013

I am late with my New Year's wishes this year. I wish you all a wonderful 2013!
I started thinking about resolutions just after Christmas and I'm, just now, putting them in writing. The fact that I have procrastinated this long should be part of my list but it didn't make the cut. I found a few fun statistics to share and they can be found on the following website http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/. Interesting?
I am following a fellow blogger's idea and using the old list by letter means of recording my resolutions for 2013. It was really fun to think of the many ways I might be able to improve myself. Sadly, I have thought of many more to add but I think I'll just work on these first.
R ~ Relish all the blessings in my life.
E ~ Exercise, even if that means more flea markets and malls.
S ~ Share ideas with more woman...Pinterest.
O ~ Organize my workspaces.
L ~ Love more. I am sure this one will be my husband's favorite.
U ~ Utilize my time better.
T ~ Try hard to resist stress or at least my reaction to it.
I ~ Ingest food that is better for my health or just eat less junk food (or not).
O ~ Organize my home for good. Starting with just one closet, at least.
N ~ Negate negitive thinking and try the Power of the Positive.
S ~ Smile more! My face just naturally relaxes in a frown and who wants to see that.
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